Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trying something new.

So for a while now I have been frustrated. Too often my mind gets about to where it wants to explode. I need to create something new and it is driving me crazy trying to figure out what. I usually do some impressionism as a release because I do enjoy the raw look, but it just does not seem to be enough. I have been looking at my paintings, and all I see are paintings. Yes some are good, but there is not a big enough difference to others works. I do see a style though. Painting is like handwriting. Same goes for guitarists as I could name any of the guitarists I listen to just from hearing them hit only a few notes. But I just can't get over the need to do something different. I have been trying not to see anyone's artwork as it would influence me in some way. The same always went with music. I wouldn't even listen to a band I really liked if they did not match the sound I was currently playing at the time because it would throw me off. so I bought some ink and watercolors today. I decided I should start actually producing some stuff to help me further ideas. I have always loved raw artworks, same as music. There have been a couple of times when I would do an under layer of a painting and just stop and look at it thinking "wow that looks great, maybe I should just leave it like this" but as it was unfinished and not the plan I would do the rest of the layers and complete the work. I have also been loving the impressions on panel I have been doing. I just love them raw. But I feel the need to push them further.  So anyways, in the simplest explanation, what I have done is decided to take a figure and basically break it down as much as possible. Or... Turn it into scribble. Yes you could say a sketch, but I am trying to break it down more than just a sketch. It needs to be more raw and to the point where you can just make out what it is. But I do not want to too far where it would just be abstract. It is basically controlled scribble I guess you could say. I have struggled with it as I have to fight myself from doing it too much like a sketch. But then I can't just scribble it and say I'm done. I need to carefully plan the scribble and have each scribble right. This probably doesn't even make sense. Anyways I am having a tough time with it. I have sketched out each of the 4 I have done atleast 5 times before doing it on the watercolor paper. The first time I would sketch it just looked really clean and like a sketch and then I would try to scribble it up and it looked like a good sketch scribbled over. Then I would do too much uncontrolled scribble on the next, and then I basically would just keep working the form a couple more times before doing it the last time. I added some touches of watercolor to a few. These still look too clean to me if you can believe that. They are too distinct, but it is a start. I hope to further some ideas. Here are the sketches.

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